1111人力銀行幫您找萬寶華企業管理顧問股份有限公司 - Project Management打工、工讀、兼職打工推薦1111人力銀行打工專區,1111人力銀行
我們貼心為求職者找萬寶華企業管理顧問股份有限公司 - Project Management時企業徵才透過1111人力銀行,想找工作有效率的好人才
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1111人力銀行幫您找萬寶華企業管理顧問股份有限公司 - Project Management轉職跳槽年後上班,精選職缺盡在1111轉職專區
萬寶華企業管理顧問股份有限公司 - Project Management
- 工作說明:
- 〝 Project Management (PjM) role:
o Manages storage device part numbers projects (HDD or SSD or ODD), typically from the start of project development to the product launch, including in the qualification and sustaining phases
o Interlocks and coordinates device development schedules and progress with cross-functional teams including suppliers, platforms, core teams and extended core teams.
o Manages internal device complexity target goals within engineering.
o Utilizes various tools along the qualification process including Agile, Windchill and Excel for tasks like part number and xCO creation, part number management, SKU and DOM setup, block xCO management and ECx review
o Utilizes standard tools like Excel and MS Project to track and manage project activities like sample allocation and tracking, platform and supplier interlocks, and xCO status tracking
o Organizes and chair extended engineering team meetings to track and align project status among the team members
o Understand the PjM process of other storage devices, to backup respective PjM when needed - 工作地點:
- 台北市大安區 基隆路與敦化南路交叉口
- 工作時間:
- 日班說明:9:00~18:00
- 休假制度:
- 週休二日
- 工作性質:
- 全職
- 職務類別:
- 專案管理師
- 工作待遇:
- 面議
- 需求人數:
- 1 人
- 到職日期:
- 急徵
- 職缺更新:
- 2015/10/13
- 身份類別:
- 不拘
- 學歷限制:
- 大學 以上
- 科系限制:
- 不拘
- 工作經驗:
- 3年以上工作經驗
- 語言能力:
- 英文 聽:精通 說:精通 讀:精通 寫:精通
- 附加條件:
- Education: Engineering Bachelor degree or equivalent
- Work Experience: Minimum 3 years working experience within a Computer Notebook, Tablet, or Desktop hardware supplier or manufacturer or related technical field. Experience in project management is a plus.
- 〝 Ability to use software tools - MS office, Project, etc.
- 〝 Fluent english communication capability - speak/listen & read/write. Proficient in Mandarin communication will be a plus
- 〝 Strong in organizing and planning skills. Experience in program management will be a plus
- 〝 Priority setting & urgency judgment skill
- 〝 Ability to drive for results and manage changing and conflicts in working environment
- 〝 Ability to communicate clearly through oral and written communications
- 〝 Ability to multi-task in a dynamic environment
- 〝 Ability to present clear and concise information to team, internal customers, and external customers
- 〝 Ability to manage daily workflow as required to meet departmental and customer requirements
- 〝 Demonstrate attentiveness to quality and productivity
萬寶華企業管理顧問股份有限公司 - Project Management

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- 隨意搭配細條紋綁結吊帶長褲 6628003901
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