1111人力銀行幫您找康名國際有限公司 - DFT (Design For Test)資深經理級/經理/副理/課級打工、工讀、兼職打工推薦1111人力銀行打工專區,1111人力銀行
我們貼心為求職者找康名國際有限公司 - DFT (Design For Test)資深經理級/經理/副理/課級時企業徵才透過1111人力銀行,想找工作有效率的好人才
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1111人力銀行幫您找康名國際有限公司 - DFT (Design For Test)資深經理級/經理/副理/課級轉職跳槽年後上班,精選職缺盡在1111轉職專區
康名國際有限公司 - DFT (Design For Test)資深經理級/經理/副理/課級
- 工作說明:
- Job Summary:The DFT Engineer plays an important role in the development of test programs and as an interface for test application and diagnostics for Server product development。Job Description:? Working with rest of the team to document DFT specifications ? Developing, implementing DFT architecture and infrastructure ? Deployment and implementation of DFT/DFD (Design For Debug) techniques for Server product? Deployment of DFT methodologies that reduce test cost and increase production quality? Defining the core test strategy, developing test models, creation of macro test rules and patterns? Verification of manufacturing test rules, creating the test specification, debugging manufacturing tests? Generating structural test vectors, analyzing and improving coverage ? Working with designers on DQA, SIT, Diagnostics and manufacturing test engineering issues? Managing schedules and supporting cross-functional engineering effort,Key Qualifications:? BS / MS and 7+ years of working experience are require? Strong fundamental knowledge of DFT techniques for Server product is required? Experience developing DFT specifications and driving DFT architecture and methods for designs? Experience with encounter test tool, test models, test structure and macro structure verification? Ability to conduct experiments during software debug, gathering and analyzing data? Ability to think and work independently with different teams? Detail oriented with strong organizational, problem solving and communication skills? Interest to understand more details in entire design flow? Fluent in English is a plus?Testing methodology (Flying Probe, X-Ray, ICT/ATE)。
- 工作地點:
- 台北市內湖區
- 工作時間:
- 日班說明:依公司規定
- 工作性質:
- 全職
- 職務類別:
- 機械工程主管、材料研發人員
- 工作待遇:
- 面議
- 需求人數:
- 不限
- 管理人數:
- 未定
- 到職日期:
- 不限
- 職缺更新:
- 2015/12/14
- 身份類別:
- 一般求職者
- 學歷限制:
- 大學 以上畢業
- 科系限制:
- 不拘
- 工作經驗:
- 7年以上工作經驗
- 語言能力:
- 英文 聽:精通 說:精通 讀:精通 寫:精通
康名國際有限公司 - DFT (Design For Test)資深經理級/經理/副理/課級

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